War critic, ex-UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter to speak at West Virginia State

By Beth Vorhees
Scott Ritter served for 12 years in the Marine Corps. He was a lead analyst, a ballistic missile advisor to Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf and a UN weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998.  He was last in Iraq in 2002, before the U.S. invasion in March 2003.  Now, Ritter is an outspoken critic on US policy toward Iraq. He’ll speak Oct. 25 at West Virginia State University. First, he spoke to Beth Vorhees.

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One Comment on “War critic, ex-UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter to speak at West Virginia State”

  1. blueridgewv Says:

    Too bad more people in West Virginia will not hear either this interview (which is too short considering the guest and importance of subject) or when he spoke Thursday night. WV Pub Broadcast should have recorded the WVSU event in its entirety. What a disappointment that after all of the announcements there was virtually no follow-up media coverage of Mr. Ritter’s speech, which should have been available to all West Virginians.

    The major issue since 9/11 has been about war and a credible former Marine and US weapons inspector comes to speak on it and the public is buried in silence. What is interesting is that Ritter justly blamed the media for not challenging the President’s statements, as much as Congress. Bill Moyer’s Journal on “Buying the War” stated precisely the same thing. Here we have an example of the media’s CONTINUED silence after the fact, even in West Virginia, even in Public Broadcasting.

    We need more interviews like this one whenever the opportunity arises. It’s a true public service.

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